Actually, making hummus is not quite as hands-free and disgusting as all that, but it's surely worth the extra effort!
All a good classic hummus consists of is chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice, with salt and pepper as desired. It's not terribly difficult to make if you've got a blender (or a mortar and pestle for that matter), and it beats anything you'll buy at the store. The wonderful thing about hummus' simple flavor, is that you can basically tweak it to have whatever flavor you're craving (I'm not so sure about the idea of sweet hummus though...). Anyway, I picked up these tasty little red peppers at the farmers market and thought that a great way to use them would be to roast'em up and throw them in with some hummus!
Olive oil
Fresh garlic
Black garlic
Roasted/caramelized sweet red peppers (throw in the oven with olive oil, salt, pepper at 400 F until brown/black at edges)
Lemon juice